JAlbum انشاء موقع من صورك الخاصة من خلال هذا البرنامج يمكنك انشاء موقع لصورك والبوماتك بكبسة زر فقط Grants you full control of the look of the generated digital photo album فقط بأختيار الأطار المناسب واختيار الصور وتقوم بأنشاء البوم ونشره عبر شبكة الأنترنت يعمل البرنامج مع أنظمة running Java, including Windows (all versions), Mac OSX, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, OS2 ويدعم البرنامج اكثر من 32 لغة بالعالم منها العربية يحتوي كذالك على 13 سكينز يمكنك تغييرها بسهولة 13 skins built-in واكثر من 120 سكينز يمكنك تحميلها من شبكة الأنترنت ويدعم البرنامج اغلب صيغ الملتيميديا avi mpg mpeg mpe mp4 mov wmv asf asx wvx 3gp divx xvid qt mp3 wma ram rm swf flv tiff psd zip arj sit rar xml pdf doc xls ppt mdb djvu djv odt ods odp odg odb برنامج يستحق التجربة
Grants you full control of the look of the generated digital photo album, not just color theme and basic layout.
JAlbum makes web albums of your digital images and aims to be the easiest to use and most powerful tool in this category - and free!
With JAlbum you have full control of the look of the generated album, not just color theme and basic layout, still making an album is just a matter of drag and drop + a button click if you prefer to use one of the many existing looks.
JAlbum will make index pages, slide show pages and process your images and even upload the final album to the Internet for your friends to see.
Here are some key features of "JAlbum":
Easy to use User Interface:
· Explorer-like user interface. The order of the buttons left side reflect the workflow. You can easily manage your images, rotate, comment and arrange as you want.
Runs on many systems:
· Jalbum was developed in Java, therefore it runs on every operating system which is capable of running Java, including Windows (all versions), Mac OSX, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, OS2.
32 Languages:
· Jalbum most likely speaks your language - it comes with 32!
Skins - endless customization:
· Skins define the gallery look and functionality. Jalbum has 13 skins built-in with another 120 skins available for download. Add images with drag & drop
· Adding your images to Jalbum is simple: just drag and drop!
Add comments:
· Use the Comments button to add comments (which may even contain HTML formatting).
IPTC and EXIF support:
· Most Jalbum skins support IPTC and EXIF data to display in your web album. Look for special features, like integration with Google Maps & Earth.
Apply filters:
· Apply filters to your images, like Tint filter, Border, Grayscale, Watermark, Fixed shape, Logotype, Text, Blur, Sharpen, Zoom
Other Filetypes:
· Jalbum supports various types of files*, not just JPG images, and many skins also support movies and audio. * (avi mpg mpeg mpe mp4 mov wmv asf asx wvx 3gp divx xvid qt mp3 wma ram rm swf flv tiff psd zip arj sit rar xml pdf doc xls ppt mdb djvu djv odt ods odp odg odb)
Make album:
· When you are happy with the choice of skin, comments and other settings, simply hit the Make album button. Jalbum builds your album and prepares it for the web. Check the result with the Preview button.
Share straight from your computer:
· If you don't want to publish your album to the web, Jalbum has a built-in web server. Simply use the Sharing tool, which will make your album visible to others straight from your PC without the need to upload.
Publish to the web:
· Publishing your album to the web is easy; use your free Jalbum hosting account or any other provider. Your personal page: yourname.myjalbum.net
· With Jalbum's free hosting you get a unique url: yourname.myjalbum.net. Jalbum will create your account and upload your albums to your new web album page.
Upload the album:
· At the click of a button, Jalbum will upload your albums! The Smart upload option will only upload changed files.
Tell Jalbum community:
· If you would like to add your album to the jalbum.net community site, click the Tell the Jalbum community button. Your album will be added to your Albums page. If you want to notify your friends, click the Email your friends button.
Manage your albums:
· You can manage your albums - add new, delete, password protect - straight from Jalbum.
Your uploaded album:
· Voila... Your album is up and running.
Create your own skin:
· If you still haven't found what you were looking for, develop your own skin! Jalbum skins use a simple method to describe gallery templates, and you can also use BeanShell scripting or Java to create more sophisticated features.
· Java Runtime Environment
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]
News and updates:
· Jalbum's internal text editor now improved in several regards
· Improvements to Jalbum's plugin API. It is now far easier for skin developers to write image specific custom user interfaces.
· Jalbum's color selector component now has a more convenient event handling scheme
· Bug fixes
· Pressing Shift+E would launch Jalbum's internal text editor
· The delete published albums progress window was empty
· Old myjalbum accounts are now properly converted to jalbum accounts
· Links to original images were wrong under some circumstances
· Images containing an empty EXIF section would cause exceptions
· If a skin aborts an operation, the progress window didn't close
· Minor performance enhancements to property panel of Edit panel
· The degrees symbol for the rotate buttons didn't show up right in the English version
الشركة المطورة: David Ekholm
نوع الترخيص: Freeware
حجم البرنامج: 12.6 MB
نظام التشغيل: Windows All
نوع الترخيص: Freeware
حجم البرنامج: 12.6 MB
نظام التشغيل: Windows All
تحميل البرنامج JAlbum 8.2.4
كلمات: album, Jalbum, images, button, upload, albums, skins, JAlbum, Jalbums, click, friends, support, comments, community, features, straight, which, would, color, gallery
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